Friday, February 24, 2006


Many thousands of people have no real help in times of crisis, no one who is willing to talk with them and share the pain, frustration, rage and anguish in a healthy way. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been given and are still given Valium as a substitute for human care, for the externalization of emotional pain, and who are left NEITHER DYING NOR LIVING.

And so we have to ask ourselves why we have become so callous, so uncaring, so unwilling to take some time out of our busy schedules to help those in need to solve and deal with problems when they happen. Instead, they are given drugs to cloud their consciousness, to sedate their emotions, to prevent them from living fully so they can leave their pain behind and experience life once again with all its beauty, all its challenges; yes, with all its pains and its gifts.


On Children and Death
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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