Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mitsuko Uchida

"You can practise as much as you like. You can study as much as you like, work as much as you like, think as much as you like at home. But exposure is dangerous. There are plenty of examples of people who have become addicted to exposure, musicians and otherwise. Exposure, power and money go hand in hand and are peculiarly dangerous and addictive.

I understood completely one day I was not going to be the most highly paid musician. I was not going to be the most famous. I was not going to cash in or play as much as possible. I wanted to keep my life my own and not be a great unhappy pianist. I need time to myself to relax. If you keep the balance right, nothing is better than a musician's life. Sometimes I'm asked if I would pay to give concerts, and I would - but instead they pay me. Aren't I lucky!"

Mitsuko Uchida

Official Site - Mitsuko Uchida
Borletti Buitoni Trust for young musicians

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